Use biometrics confirm device owner presence or authenticate users. A couple of methods are provided to handle user credentials. These are securely stored using Keychain (iOS) and Keystore (Android).
npm i @capgo/capacitor-native-biometric
import { NativeBiometric, BiometryType } from "@capgo/capacitor-native-biometric";
async performBiometricVerification(){
const result = await NativeBiometric.isAvailable();
if(!result.isAvailable) return;
const isFaceID = result.biometryType == BiometryType.FACE_ID;
const verified = await NativeBiometric.verifyIdentity({
reason: "For easy log in",
title: "Log in",
subtitle: "Maybe add subtitle here?",
description: "Maybe a description too?",
.then(() => true)
.catch(() => false);
if(!verified) return;
const credentials = await NativeBiometric.getCredentials({
server: "",
// Save user's credentials
username: "username",
password: "password",
server: "",
// Delete user's credentials
server: "",
This is a plugin specific list of error codes that can be thrown on verifyIdentity failure, or set as a part of isAvailable. It consolidates Android and iOS specific Authentication Error codes into one combined error list.
Code | Description | Platform |
0 | Unknown Error | Android, iOS |
1 | Biometrics Unavailable | Android, iOS |
2 | User Lockout | Android, iOS |
3 | Biometrics Not Enrolled | Android, iOS |
4 | User Temporary Lockout | Android (Lockout for 30sec) |
10 | Authentication Failed | Android, iOS |
11 | App Cancel | iOS |
12 | Invalid Context | iOS |
13 | Not Interactive | iOS |
14 | Passcode Not Set | Android, iOS |
15 | System Cancel | Android, iOS |
16 | User Cancel | Android, iOS |
17 | User Fallback | Android, iOS |
isAvailable(options?: IsAvailableOptions | undefined) => Promise<AvailableResult>
Checks if biometric authentication hardware is available.
Param | Type |
options |
IsAvailableOptions |
Returns: Promise<AvailableResult>
Since: 1.0.0
verifyIdentity(options?: BiometricOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>
Prompts the user to authenticate with biometrics.
Param | Type |
options |
BiometricOptions |
Since: 1.0.0
getCredentials(options: GetCredentialOptions) => Promise<Credentials>
Gets the stored credentials for a given server.
Param | Type |
options |
GetCredentialOptions |
Returns: Promise<Credentials>
Since: 1.0.0
setCredentials(options: SetCredentialOptions) => Promise<void>
Stores the given credentials for a given server.
Param | Type |
options |
SetCredentialOptions |
Since: 1.0.0
deleteCredentials(options: DeleteCredentialOptions) => Promise<void>
Deletes the stored credentials for a given server.
Param | Type |
options |
DeleteCredentialOptions |
Since: 1.0.0
Prop | Type |
isAvailable |
boolean |
biometryType |
BiometryType |
errorCode |
number |
Prop | Type | Description |
useFallback |
boolean |
Specifies if should fallback to passcode authentication if biometric authentication is not available. |
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
reason |
string |
title |
string |
subtitle |
string |
description |
string |
negativeButtonText |
string |
useFallback |
boolean |
Specifies if should fallback to passcode authentication if biometric authentication fails. | |
fallbackTitle |
string |
Only for iOS. Set the text for the fallback button in the authentication dialog. If this property is not specified, the default text is set by the system. | |
maxAttempts |
number |
Only for Android. Set a maximum number of attempts for biometric authentication. The maximum allowed by android is 5. | 1 |
allowedBiometryTypes |
BiometryType[] |
Only for Android. Specify which biometry types are allowed for authentication. If not specified, all available types will be allowed. |
Prop | Type |
username |
string |
password |
string |
Prop | Type |
server |
string |
Prop | Type |
username |
string |
password |
string |
server |
string |
Prop | Type |
server |
string |
Members | Value |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
To use FaceID Make sure to provide a value for NSFaceIDUsageDescription, otherwise your app may crash on iOS devices with FaceID.
This value is just the reason for using FaceID. You can add something like the following example to App/info.plist:
<string>For an easier and faster log in.</string>
To use android's BiometricPrompt api you must add the following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_BIOMETRIC">
And register the plugin by adding it to you MainActivity's onCreate (Not needed for Capacitor 3):
import ee.forgr.biometric.NativeBiometric;
public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Initializes the Bridge
this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{
// Additional plugins you've installed go here
// Ex: add(TotallyAwesomePlugin.class);
Jonthia Brian Weasner Mohamed Diarra
Learn about contributing HERE
Hasn't been tested on Android API level 22 or lower.
| -------------------------- | ------------------------- | | 0 | Unbekannter Fehler | Android, iOS | | 1 | Biometrie nicht verfügbar | Android, iOS | | 2 | Benutzer gesperrt | Android, iOS | | 3 | Biometrie nicht registriert | Android, iOS | | 4 | Benutzer vorübergehend gesperrt | Android (Sperrung für 30 Sek.) | | 10 | Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen | Android, iOS | | 11 | App abgebrochen | iOS | | 12 | Ungültiger Kontext | iOS | | 13 | Nicht interaktiv | iOS | | 14 | Passwort nicht festgelegt | Android, iOS | | 15 | System abgebrochen | Android, iOS | | 16 | Benutzer abgebrochen | Android, iOS | | 17 | Benutzer-Fallback | Android, iOS |
Sie können diese Fehlercodes basierend auf den Anforderungen Ihrer Anwendung behandeln
Das ist alles! Sie haben erfolgreich gelernt, wie Sie das @capgo/capacitor-native-biometric
Paket verwenden, um biometrische Authentifizierung in Ihre Capacitor-Anwendungen zu integrieren