React-native: Too many moving parts that eventually broke. Flutterflow: new language, stumbled on first attempt to add a plugin. Now: @Capacitor + @vue or @react + @VoltBuilder + @Capgo 🤘
Lincoln Baxter
The community needed this and @Capgo is doing something really important!
Bessie Cooper
@Capgo is a must have tools for developers, who want to be more productive. Avoiding review for bugfix is golden.
LeVar Berry
Cancelled my @Appflow subscription after 4 years. Code-Push never seemed to work well, hopefully @CapGO has it figured out
We really appreciate @Capgo, will be supporting this project from the Mallats team.
Awaiting approval from the App Stores.
Rodrigo Mantica
We practice agile development and @Capgo is mission-critical in delivering continuously to our users!
Thanks @martindonadieu for your hard work and I will definitely be supporting this community as well.
Did setup @Capgo and testing out this awesome replacement for @AppFlow!
Thank you for the hard work, it has been easy so far. About to release to the app stores 🤞
We rolled out Capgo OTA updates in production for our user base of +5000.
We're seeing very smooth operation almost all our users are upto date within minutes of the OTA being deployed to @Capgo.
Jumped over to @Capgo after @AppFlow hit us with a $5000 bill for the year to continue.
Loving CapoGo so far. Thanks for @Capgo, it's a great product.
@Capgo is a smart way to make hot code pushes (and not for all the money in the world like with @AppFlow) 🙂
I've got self hosted updates working with very little work on my part!
I've proposed with my bosses that we consider @Capgo app for automated updates as well so I will begin giving that a go now too.
Simon Flack
We are currently giving a try to @Capgo since Appcenter stopped live updates support on hybrid apps and @AppFlow is way too expensive.
Crea y gestiona múltiples organizaciones con facilidad, asignando derechos específicos a cada usuario. Capgo ofrece herramientas potentes para mantener a tu equipo organizado y eficiente.
Gestire vari team
Créer et gérer plusieurs organisations à partir d'un seul compte, rationalisant votre flux de travail et améliorant la productivité.
Controlar Níveis de Acesso
Assegna diritti specifici e livelli di accesso a ciascun utente all'interno delle tue organizzazioni, garantendo sicurezza e corretta allocazione delle risorse.
Adapta a medida que creces
Easily adjust user roles and permissions as your team and projects evolve, maintaining optimal organization structure.
Configuramos su pipeline de CI/CD directamente en su plataforma preferida, ya sea GitHub Actions, GitLab CI u otras. No hospedamos CI/CD ni le cobramos por mantenerlo.
Nous avons configuré votre workflow CI/CD pour qu'il fonctionne parfaitement avec votre processus de développement actuel. Pas besoin de changer de plateforme ou d'apprendre de nouveaux outils.
Notre équipe personnalise la configuration CI/CD pour répondre aux exigences spécifiques de votre projet, garantissant des performances et une efficacité optimales.
Se utilizzi GitHub, GitLab o un altro sistema di controllo versione, adattiamo la nostra configurazione per soddisfare la tua infrastruttura esistente.
Manfaatkan keahlian mendalam kami dalam praktik terbaik CI/CD aplikasi mobile, tanpa perlu membangun dan memelihara sistem yang kompleks sendiri.
Hemos configurado CI/CD para más de 50 aplicaciones.
Il costo per gestire il tuo CI/CD è di circa 300$/mese., AppFlow $6,000 annui.
Nossa taxa de configuração única de $2.600, combinada com CI/CD, resulta em menos da metade da taxa do primeiro ano do AppFlow.
Dalam 5 tahun Anda menghemat $26.100.