100% open-source
Raggiungi gli utenti ora, non settimane dopo.
Conforme ai requisiti di Apple e Google
Solo tus usuarios pueden descifrar tus actualizaciones, nadie más.
Capgo permite que los equipos de desarrollo de algunas de las empresas más innovadoras.
I nostri numeri sono condivisi in modo trasparente dal dicembre 2021.
Ultima actualización: March 07, 2025
Aggiornamenti consegnati
Tutti intorno al globo
Usando nosotros en producción
Stars in GitHub
100% open-source
di utenti attivi aggiornati entro 24 ore
tasso di successo mondiale
per scaricare un aggiornamento di 5MB a livello globale
tempo medio di risposta dell'API a livello mondiale
Invia il tuo primo aggiornamento in meno di 15 minuti!
Run npx @capgo/cli init that it !
Costruisci la tua app come al solito, poi invia con il CLI.
Öffne die App, sie wird im Hintergrund aktualisiert.
Creato per sviluppatori che apprezzano la sicurezza e la velocità
Invia aggiornamenti ai tuoi utenti in pochi secondi
L'unica soluzione con vera crittografia end-to-end, gli altri si limitano a firmare gli aggiornamenti
Traccia i tassi di successo degli aggiornamenti e l'interazione degli utenti in tempo reale
Ritorno alla versione precedente con un solo clic se necessario
Monitora proattivamente e risolvi i problemi prima che influiscano sugli utenti
Gestisci facilmente i tester e gli utenti beta con permessi granulari
La differenza tra una valutazione dell'app di 1 stella e 5 stelle
Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per spedire aggiornamenti immediatamente
Aggiornamenti, correzioni, modifiche e funzionalità della nave
Ship updates instantly to your users
Push live code changes directly to users without app store delays. Deploy critical fixes and features when they're ready.
Seamless background updates
Updates install automatically in the background with no user interaction required
Streamlined deployment process
Build and deploy updates with a single command using our CLI tool
Support for Capacitor 6 & 7
Full compatibility with latest Capacitor versions and all major platforms
Smart differential updates
Only download what's changed, saving bandwidth and time
Flexible integration
Manage Capgo from your own software and create white label experiences
Advanced update distribution
Target specific user groups with different versions using channels for beta testing and staged rollouts
Cloud or Self-hosted
Choose between our secure cloud or host on your own infrastructure
Seamless automation
Works with GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Jenkins, and more
No vendor lock-in
Completely self-hostable with full access to the source code
Eles amam Capgo.
Here's my view:
React-native: Too many moving parts that eventually broke.
Flutterflow: new language, stumbled on first attempt to add a plugin.
Now: @Capacitor + @vue or @react + @VoltBuilder + @Capgo 🤘
The community needed this and @Capgo is doing something really important!
@Capgo is a smart way to make hot code pushes (and not for all the money in the world like with @AppFlow) 🙂
@Capgo is a must have tools for developers, who want to be more productive. Avoiding review for bugfix is golden.
We are currently giving a try to @Capgo since Appcenter stopped live updates support on hybrid apps and @AppFlow is way too expensive.
Cancelled my @Appflow subscription after 4 years. Code-Push never seemed to work well, hopefully @CapGO has it figured out
We really appreciate @Capgo, will be supporting this project from the Mallats team.
Awaiting approval from the App Stores.
We practice agile development and @Capgo is mission-critical in delivering continuously to our users!
Thanks @martindonadieu for your hard work and I will definitely be supporting this community as well.
Did setup @Capgo and testing out this awesome replacement for @AppFlow!
Thank you for the hard work, it has been easy so far. About to release to the app stores 🤞
We rolled out Capgo OTA updates in production for our user base of +5000.
We're seeing very smooth operation almost all our users are upto date within minutes of the OTA being deployed to @Capgo.
I've got self hosted updates working with very little work on my part!
I've proposed with my bosses that we consider @Capgo app for automated updates as well so I will begin giving that a go now too.
Jumped over to @Capgo after @AppFlow hit us with a $5000 bill for the year to continue.
Loving CapoGo so far. Thanks for @Capgo, it's a great product.
Crea y gestiona múltiples organizaciones con facilidad, asignando derechos específicos a cada usuario. Capgo ofrece herramientas potentes para mantener a tu equipo organizado y eficiente.
Gestire vari team
Créer et gérer plusieurs organisations à partir d'un seul compte, rationalisant votre flux de travail et améliorant la productivité.
Controlar Níveis de Acesso
Assegna diritti specifici e livelli di accesso a ciascun utente all'interno delle tue organizzazioni, garantendo sicurezza e corretta allocazione delle risorse.
Adapta a medida que creces
Easily adjust user roles and permissions as your team and projects evolve, maintaining optimal organization structure.
Configuramos su pipeline de CI/CD directamente en su plataforma preferida, ya sea GitHub Actions, GitLab CI u otras. No hospedamos CI/CD ni le cobramos por mantenerlo.
Nous avons configuré votre workflow CI/CD pour qu'il fonctionne parfaitement avec votre processus de développement actuel. Pas besoin de changer de plateforme ou d'apprendre de nouveaux outils.
Notre équipe personnalise la configuration CI/CD pour répondre aux exigences spécifiques de votre projet, garantissant des performances et une efficacité optimales.
Se utilizzi GitHub, GitLab o un altro sistema di controllo versione, adattiamo la nostra configurazione per soddisfare la tua infrastruttura esistente.
Manfaatkan keahlian mendalam kami dalam praktik terbaik CI/CD aplikasi mobile, tanpa perlu membangun dan memelihara sistem yang kompleks sendiri.
Hemos configurado CI/CD para más de 50 aplicaciones.
Il costo per gestire il tuo CI/CD è di circa 300$/mese., AppFlow $6,000 annui.
Nossa taxa de configuração única de $2.600, combinada com CI/CD, resulta em menos da metade da taxa do primeiro ano do AppFlow.
Dalam 5 tahun Anda menghemat $26.100.