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We don't bill you automatically until your confirmation.
We don't store or sell your data to anyone.
Explore the common questions and answers about Capgo
How are Monthly Active Users (MAU) counted?
We count MAU (Monthly Active Users) by tracking unique users who open your app within a 30-day period. Each user is counted once, regardless of how many times they engage with the app.
At Capgo, we don't count emulators and dev builds in your usage. Learn more about this here.
What does storage mean?
Storage, specifically edge storage, refers to the total capacity Capgo provides at edge locations to store all your update bundles. This ensures that users receive the latest version of your app or service quickly and efficiently.
How is Bandwidth Counted?
At Capgo, we measure bandwidth by tracking the amount of data transmitted between the storage location and user devices through edge servers. This helps us deliver real-time updates.
Not sure about your number of active users?
If you're unsure about the number of active users you have and worried about reaching your plan limit, take advantage of Capgo's free trial. It's a great way to test our service, find the right plan, avoid unexpected charges, and ensure everything works smoothly.
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