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Force update


You have 3 options to force your user to update:

  • Direct update
  • Force update
  • Modal update

Direct update

You can force an update to happen at every app start by setting directUpdate to true:

// capacitor.config.json
"appId": "**.***.**",
"appName": "Name",
"plugins": {
"CapacitorUpdater": {
"directUpdate": true,

And then in your app, you should hide the splash until receive the event appReady:

import { CapacitorUpdater } from '@capgo/capacitor-updater'
import { SplashScreen } from '@capacitor/splash-screen'
// when the app boot for the first time it should hide the splash screen and show the downloading screen
// Keep in mind Apple and Google policy about splash screen, saying "downloading" or "updating" is not allowed
// You should show a loading screen with a progress bar or a spinner
// Keep in mind that the api respond time is average 1 sec and in the most far location ( Australia ) from our DB ( Germany ) is 3 sec
// To that you add the time to download (serve at the edge for Capgo) your zip bundle and unzip it ( 1-2 sec for a 5MB zip file )
// So you should show a loading screen for at least 5 sec in most of the case
// This has beeen reported to be a bad user experience outside of gaming, so we recommend to use the modal update, the force update or background ( the best )
// You can consider around 20-30% of user will close the app and never open it again if they see a loading screen for more than 5 sec
let isReady = false
let percent = 0
let listDownload
const listReady = CapacitorUpdater.addListener('appReady', () => {
// Hide splash
isReady = true
// Remove listeners
listDownload = CapacitorUpdater.addListener('download', (res) => {
// update download progress
console.log(`Downloading ${res.bundle} ${res.percent}%`)
percent = res.percent

Force update

Add a listener to even updateAvailable and then show alert to tell the user the app will update:

import { CapacitorUpdater } from '@capgo/capacitor-updater'
import { Dialog } from '@capacitor/dialog'
CapacitorUpdater.addListener('updateAvailable', async (res) => {
try {
await Dialog.alert({
title: 'Update Available',
message: `Version ${res.bundle.version} is available. The app will update now`,
catch (error) {

You can also let the user decide by showing a dialog to ask the user to update:

import { CapacitorUpdater } from '@capgo/capacitor-updater'
import { Dialog } from '@capacitor/dialog'
CapacitorUpdater.addListener('updateAvailable', async (res) => {
try {
const { value } = await Dialog.confirm({
title: 'Update Available',
message: `Version ${res.bundle.version} is available. Would you like to update now?`,
if (value)
catch (error) {