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While Capgo’s live updates allow you to quickly deliver improvements and fixes to your users, there may be situations where you need to roll back to a previous version of your app. Perhaps a new update introduced an unexpected critical issue, or maybe you want to revert a specific change while you work on a fix.

Capgo provides several ways to manage a channel’s builds and control the version of your app that users receive.

Rolling Back to a Previous Bundle

Every time you upload a new build and assign it to a channel, Capgo keeps a history of those builds. If you need to revert a specific update, you can select one of these previous builds to redeploy to the channel.

To roll back to a previous build:

  1. Log in to the Capgo Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the “Channels” section.

  3. Click the name of the channel you want to roll back.

  4. Find the build you want to revert to in the channel’s build history.

  5. Click the crown icon next to that build to make it the active build for the channel. Channel management options

  6. Confirm that you want to roll back to this build.

After rolling back, devices configured to listen to the updated channel will receive the previous build the next time they check for an update. The rolled-back build will be treated as a new update, so the usual update flow and conditions apply.

Unlinking a Channel

If you want to temporarily halt updates on a channel while you investigate an issue, you can unlink the channel from its current build.

To unlink a channel:

  1. Navigate to the channel in the Capgo Dashboard.

  2. Click the “Unlink” button next to the current build.

  3. Confirm that you want to unlink the channel.

Once a channel is unlinked, it will not distribute any new updates. Devices configured to that channel will stay on their current build until the channel is linked to a build again.

This is useful if you’ve identified a problem with an update but aren’t yet sure which build you want to roll back to. Unlinking the channel gives you time to investigate without pushing out further updates.

Forcing the Built-In Bundle

In more severe situations, you may want to revert all devices on a channel back to the web build that was originally packaged with your app’s native binary. This is known as the “built-in bundle”.

To force the built-in bundle on a channel:

  1. Navigate to the channel in the Capgo Dashboard.

  2. Click the “Built-in Bundle” button.

  3. Confirm that you want to force the built-in bundle.

When you force the built-in bundle, all devices configured to that channel will revert back to the original packaged web build on their next update check. This happens regardless of what build they’re currently on.

This is a more aggressive rollback option than reverting to a specific previous build, as it discards all live updates released since the app was last published to the app stores.

Monitoring and Responding to Issues

To catch issues quickly and minimize the impact of problematic updates, it’s important to have a plan for monitoring your releases and responding to problems.

Some strategies include:

  • Monitoring crash reports and user feedback immediately after releasing an update
  • Using phased rollouts or a staged channel system to test updates on a smaller group before wide release
  • Having a clear decision process for when to roll back, unlink, or force the built-in bundle, and who has the authority to do so
  • Communicating to users about the issue and the resolution, if appropriate

By combining careful monitoring with the ability to quickly manage problematic updates, you can deliver a continuously improving app experience while minimizing disruptions for your users.