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Devices represent individual installations of your app that are managed by Capgo. The Devices API allows you to track and manage devices, including their versions, channels, and update status.

Understanding Devices

Each device has unique characteristics and states:

  • Platform: iOS or Android
  • Version: Current bundle version and native build version
  • Environment: Production or development, emulator or physical device
  • Channel: Current update channel assignment
  • Custom ID: Optional identifier for your own tracking purposes

Best Practices

  1. Version Tracking: Monitor device versions to ensure update adoption
  2. Channel Management: Assign devices to appropriate channels based on testing needs
  3. Environment Awareness: Handle different environments (prod/dev/emulator) appropriately
  4. Custom Identification: Use custom IDs to integrate with your existing systems



Link a device to a specific version or channel.

Request Body

interface DeviceLink {
app_id: string
device_id: string
version_id?: string // version name
channel?: string // channel name

Example Request

Terminal window
curl -X POST \
-H "authorization: your-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"app_id": "app_123",
"device_id": "device_456",
"channel": "beta"
}' \

Success Response

"status": "ok"


Retrieve device information. Returns 50 devices per page.

Query Parameters

  • app_id: Required. The ID of your app
  • page: Optional. Page number for pagination
  • device_id: Optional. Specific device ID to retrieve

Example Requests

Terminal window
# Get all devices
curl -H "authorization: your-api-key" \
# Get specific device
curl -H "authorization: your-api-key" \
# Get next page
curl -H "authorization: your-api-key" \

Response Type

interface Device {
created_at?: string | undefined;
updated_at?: string | undefined;
device_id: string;
custom_id: string;
version: {
id: number,
name: string
app_id: string;
platform?: "ios" | "android" | undefined;
plugin_version: string;
os_version?: string | undefined;
version_build: string;
is_prod: boolean;
is_emulator: boolean;

Example Response

"data": [
"device_id": "device_456",
"custom_id": "test-device-1",
"version": {
"id": 1,
"name": "1.0.0"
"app_id": "app_123",
"platform": "ios",
"plugin_version": "5.0.0",
"os_version": "17.0",
"version_build": "1",
"is_prod": true,
"is_emulator": false,
"created_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"updated_at": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"


Unlink a device from its channel and version override. This resets the device to use its default channel.

Query Parameters

interface Device {
device_id: string
app_id: string

Example Request

Terminal window
curl -X DELETE \
-H "authorization: your-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"app_id": "app_123",
"device_id": "device_456"
}' \

Success Response

"status": "ok"

Error Handling

Common error scenarios and their responses:

// Device not found
"error": "Device not found",
"status": "KO"
// Invalid version
"error": "Version not found",
"status": "KO"
// Invalid channel
"error": "Channel not found",
"status": "KO"
// Permission denied
"error": "Insufficient permissions to manage devices",
"status": "KO"

Common Use Cases

  1. Beta Device Registration
"app_id": "app_123",
"device_id": "device_456",
"channel": "beta"
  1. Version Override
"app_id": "app_123",
"device_id": "device_456",
"version_id": "1.1.0"
  1. Reset to Default Channel
// Use DELETE endpoint to remove overrides

Tips for Device Management

  1. Monitoring: Regularly check device status and version distribution
  2. Testing: Use custom IDs to identify test devices easily
  3. Troubleshooting: Track device updates and channel assignments
  4. Version Control: Monitor native app versions to ensure compatibility