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Using the CLI with self-hosted capgo

이 내용은 아직 번역본이 없습니다.

What this tutorial will cover?

This tutorial will show how to use CLI in a dev environment with self hosted capgo

Getting started

To use the CLI with self-hosted capgo edit the capacitor.config.ts from your app directory and set it like this:

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
appId: 'com.demo.app',
appName: 'demoApp',
webDir: 'dist',
bundledWebRuntime: false,
plugins: {
CapacitorUpdater : {
localHost: "http://localhost:5173",
localWebHost: "http://localhost:5173",
localSupa: "http://localhost:54321",
localSupaAnon: "see_notes",

Note: To get localSupaAnon please follow this tutorial and copy the anon key into localSupaAnon