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Use Capgo’s Live Updates feature to update the JavaScript bundles of your app remotely, in real-time. Push JS updates directly to your users without going through the app store review process to instantly fix bugs and ship new features.

How Live Updates Work

Capgo’s Live Update system has two key components:

  1. The Capgo SDK, which you install in your app. The SDK checks for available updates and downloads them in the background.

  2. Channels, which let you target updates to specific groups of users. You can use channels to manage different release tracks, such as Production, Staging, and Dev.

When you upload a new JS bundle to Capgo and assign it to a channel, the Capgo SDK in apps configured for that channel will detect the update and download it. The next time the app restarts, the new bundle will be loaded.

Getting Started

To start using Live Updates, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the Capgo Quickstart to set up your app in Capgo and install the Capgo SDK.

  2. In your app code, call CapacitorUpdater.notifyAppReady() after your app has finished initializing. This tells the Capgo SDK that your app is ready to receive updates.

  3. Build your JS bundle and upload it to Capgo:

    Terminal window
    npm run build
    npx @capgo/cli@latest bundle upload --channel=Production
  4. Open your app and wait for the update to download. You can check the status with:

    Terminal window
    npx @capgo/cli@latest app debug
  5. Once the update is downloaded, close and reopen your app to load the new bundle.

See the Deploying Live Updates guide for more details.

Next Steps