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Known issues

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Ionic live reload

  • When you develop, if you use the Ionic live reload feature from the CLI, it will override the plugin, so you will never see your update.

Quasar live reload

  • It uses the same system as ionic under the hood, so you will not see your updates.

Updates fail

  • This usually happens when large updates (> 20mb) are pushed, a big percentage of users will not get the last version.
    In the past, users needed to keep the app open until the download was done, now we use background download, but it’s still limited to a few seconds.


Cannot download

We have seen some issues with devices in india, and got user on the call, made them try different DNS servers, and it worked.

So if you have the issue, try to use a different DNS server like Cloudflare or Google DNS.

Cloudflare: and

Google DNS: and or dns.google

Self Hosted

When you are pushing a self-hosted update, be mindful you cannot use “HTTP” endpoint as it’s against the security policies of Android apps, if you still want to do it, follow this guide:


Unzip issue: DEFLATED entries can have EXT descriptor

If you zipped your bundle with something different than the CLI, the format or your zip could be incorrect, please use the CLI command npx @capgo/cli zip BUNDLE_FOLDER.

This is a known issue of Java:

Clearfix issue

  • If you have issues with usesCleartextTraffic, it’s because the plugin follows the good practice recommended by sonar cloud, in 90% of the cases it will work just fine, but with some plugins that causes issues.

To fix it, add in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml in the <application> key :



Privacy manifest

Add the NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults dictionary key to your Privacy Manifest (usually ios/App/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<!-- Add this dict entry to the array if the file already exists. -->

We recommend to declare CA92.1 as the reason for accessing the UserDefaults API.

Network permissions

When using local server for testing update, the app will ask for network permission, it’s a normal behavior, it’s not the case when you use a remote server.

Both OS

When doing manual mode updates, some events are not easy to catch, for example the update fail triggers just before your JS code reloads, so you will not be able to catch it.

One alternative is to list the bundles and check error stats to know if the update fails.

We need to find a better way to handle this in the future, but it’s not a priority, since auto mode is the recommended way to do update.

PRs are welcome to help us improve this.


if your CLI has troubles doing anything,

Check if appId and appName are present in your capacitor.config.ts

Follow the guide of the official doc: